Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome to The Mind Experience

The MIND can delete emotional memories if it chooses to, one just has to know how. The MIND is just another word for who we are. We are a complex lot full of emotional and mental baggage and we carry these memories with us as a heavy burden. It is far better to walk light in life without the chains of the past and the worry of the future. True change can be painful at times but it is always refreshing and essential for our well being.

We have been programmed to think and feel in a certain way and although we question many aspects of our lives we never question the basic programming of ourselves. True change takes courage and passion to find out if there is a deeper experience available to us on a daily basis. We are so caught up in our daily survival, jobs, hopes and fears that most of us do not even think that there may be a different way of living but there is and it is extremely liberating.

Technologically humanity has evolved at a rapid rate but psychologically and spiritually we have hardly moved. The chasm between the two has begun to destroy our world as we use our advanced technology with primitive minds. We need to find a wholesome, calm, natural way of living. Stress and anxiety is harming us and causing disease in our bodies.

Charging our minds is essential for change as we experience our thoughts in motion becoming feelings and the spiral circle of turmoil. When the pattern and frequency of the brain changes
new feelings of freedom are born.

Charging is the cure,,,,
Don't miss your own life
